About Emayian

Emayian Integrated Development Organization (EIDO) is a Non- Governmental (NGO)and Profit Organization, registered on 27 September 2012 by the National Council of NON-Governmental Organizations, Registration number OP. 218/051/12-0613/8339. Emayian Integrated Development Organization (EIDO) is working with the Maasai people in Kajiado and Narok Counties in Kenya. EIDO is a homegrown entity, has now widened its scope of operation from one village as a self-help group to cover the two counties namely Kajiado and Narok Counties. Previously Emayian was founded in the year 2009 as a self-help group with the social services as Emayian Development Programme (EDP). EDP initial focus was in Kipeto village within Keekonyokie South with small scale initiatives targeting women and children. EDP was renamed EIDO when its status changed from a self-help group to a Non-Governmental Organization.


Our primary goal is to foster sustainable and equitable development by helping communities identify their development needs and matching them with available resources.

Our vision is a society that is just, democratic and equitable in which all people have the right to a life of dignity.


  1. Equity for all
  2. Working with the poor
  3. Accountability and Transparency
  4. Social justice
  5. Sustainable development
  6. Strategic partnerships


  1. Equity for all
  2. Working with the poor
  3. Accountability and Transparency
  4. Social justice
  5. Sustainable development
  6. Strategic partnerships

Our mission is to work with the poor and vulnerable groups of people to eradicate poverty and creating wealth through dealing with factors that cause it and liberating people from its devastating effects.