Emayian Integrated Development Organization (EIDO) was is a Non- Governmental (NGO)and Profit Organization, registered on 27 September 2012 by the National Council of NON-Governmental Organizations, Registration number OP. 218/051/12-0613/8339. Emayian Integrated Development Organization (EIDO) is working with the Maasai people in Kajiado and Narok Counties in Kenya. EIDO is a homegrown entity, has now widened its scope of operation from one village as a self-help group to cover the two counties namely Kajiado and Narok Counties. Previously Emayian was founded in the year 2009 as a self-help group with the social services as Emayian Development Programme (EDP). EDP initial focus was in Kipeto village within Keekonyokie South with small scale initiatives targeting women and children. EDP was renamed EIDO when its status changed from a self-help group to a Non-Governmental Organization.
Emayian Organization is a service delivery organization which addresses the needs of the poor and vulnerable groups. As an organization we promote land and human rights-based approaches where we build the capacity of the poor and vulnerable members of the society to demand for their basic rights, resources and service-based rights.
Our vision is a society that is just, democratic and equitable in which all people have the right to a life of dignity.
Our mission is to work with the poor and vulnerable groups of people to eradicate poverty and creating wealth through dealing with factors that cause it and liberating people from its devastating effects.
1. Equity for all
2. Working with the poor and vulnerable.
3. Accountability and Transparency
4. Social justice
5. Sustainable development
6. Strategic partnerships
Organization Objectives
- To advocate for land and resources-based rights especially for women and girls in the pastoralism context
- To build communities resilience and mitigate effects of climate change in schools and villages
- To enhance access to quality formal education and health to the Maasai community especially women and children.
- To improve access to water and sanitation facilities and information in the rural areas.
- To promote women and girls’ capacity in addressing retrogressive cultural practices that aggravate for violence against women and girls
- To empower women, youth and children through information and sustainable livelihoods.
- To promote alternative sources of clean energy to reduce health risks among women and girls · To advocate for women, youth and PLWDs involvement in leadership positions at the local level, county government and national government

Background Information
The pastoralist communities by nature have largely lived their lives by rotating around pastures and water for their livestock which is their main source of livelihoods. The Maasai community who occupy over160,000 square kilometers of land within the East African region, has a population of approximately two million people (1.2m in Kenya and 800,000 in Tanzania) moving across the region in search of water and pastures for their livestock. However, this movement has been curtailed by the laws and regulation of different nations and defined international boundaries. Pastoralism which is mainstay of the Maasai people livelihood is under great threats from various factors such as climate change, natural and man-made environments, feelings of successive marginalization and exclusion, lack of appropriate legal frames and strategies for conflict resolution among others.
These aforesaid factors have further complicated pastoralism as a strong economic activity, a way of life and a culture of Maasai community. The Maasai people while they are themselves marginalized, their cultural beliefs and practices have marginalized further women and children especially girls and youth from enjoying their full rights as human beings. The trend of marginalization is further deepened by historical, structural and cultural factors of very poor education infrastructure, lack thus leading to poor enrolment, retention performance and transition from one level of education to another especially for girls and women. In response to some of the above challenges, Emayian Integrated Development Organization (EIDO) was founded.